Jumat, 25 November 2011

Bring Me the Horizon adalah Inggris metalcore band dari Sheffield , Yorkshire , yang dibentuk pada tahun 2004. Bring Me the Horizon constits of Oliver Sykes as the lead vocalist, lead guitarist Lee Malia, rhythm guitarist Jona Weinhofen, bassist Matt Kean and drummer Matt Nicholls. Bring Me the Horizon constits Oliver Sykes sebagai vokalis, gitaris Lee Malia, gitaris ritme Jona Weinhofen, bassist Matt Kean dan drummer Matt Nicholls. They are currently signed to Visible Noise Records in the UK, Epitaph Records in the US and to Shock Records in Australia. Mereka saat ini masuk ke Kebisingan Terlihat Records di Inggris, Epitaph Records di AS dan untuk Shock Records di Australia. Their music has been said to be influenced diversely by grindcore , death metal and emo , [ 1 ] and their earlier work is noted for its strong influence from American metalcore bands. [ 2 ] They have released three studio albums and one extended play . Musik mereka telah dikatakan dipengaruhi oleh diversely grindcore , death metal dan emo , [1] dan pekerjaan mereka sebelumnya terkenal karena pengaruh kuat dari band-band metalcore Amerika. [2] Mereka telah merilis tiga album studio dan satu bermain diperpanjang .
They released their debut album Count Your Blessings on 30 October 2006. Mereka merilis album debut mereka Menghitung Berkat pada 30 Oktober 2006. Their second album, Suicide Season was released 29 September 2008 with a two disc special edition version titled: Suicide Season: Cut Up!, featuring a second disc of electronic and dubstep remixes of tracks featured on Suicide Season. Album kedua mereka, Season Bunuh Diri dirilis 29 September 2008 dengan versi dua disc edisi khusus berjudul: Musim Bunuh Diri: Cut Up, menampilkan disk kedua dari elektronik dan dubstep remix dari trek ditampilkan pada Musim Bunuh Diri. Prior to the release of the special edition of Suicide Season, founding rhythm guitarist Curtis Ward left the band due musical differences and commitment issues. [ 3 ] He was later replaced with Jona Weinhofen. Sebelum rilis dari edisi khusus Season Bunuh Diri, pendiri irama gitaris Curtis Ward meninggalkan perbedaan musik band yang jatuh tempo dan masalah komitmen. [3] Dia kemudian diganti dengan Jona Weinhofen. Their third studio album There Is a Hell, Believe Me I've Seen It. Ketiga album studio mereka  There Is a Heaven, Let's Keep It a Secret was released 4 October 2010.  dirilis 4 Oktober 2010.

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